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Showing posts from June, 2020

Chap 33: AVATAR - God's Incarnations ( STORY OF VED VYAS)

Ved Vyaas, or Baadaraayan, or Krishna Dwaipaayan divided the Veda in four parts and taught them to his four disciples for the ease of learning, remembering and teaching to other people. Pail, Vaishampaayan, Sumantu, and Jaimini. Since Vyaas  expanded the Gyaan (knowledge) among the people so much, that is why he is known as the incarnation of knowledge also. Whenever the Dharma is destroyed from the Earth, Bhagvaan incarnates on the Earth. Incarnation is of four types - (1) Nityaavataar - He is present here all the time in the form of Saadhu, Sant (saints) and great Rishi. That is His Nityaavataar. (2) Anshaavataar - He incarnates in this form just to fulfill only one work, such as  Matsya Avataar ,  Varaah Avataar ,  Vaaman Avataar ,  Mohinee Avataar  etc. (3) Aaveshaavataar - He incarnates in this form for His Bhakt when he is in trouble, such as  Narasinh Avataar (4) Poorn Avataar - He incarnates in this form when He has to do all the above three...

Chap 32: Maya - The Power of the Lord

Once  Naarad Jee thought about Maayaa  and when he could not understand it, he came to Dwaarakaa to Krishn. he asked Him - "What is Maayaa?" Krishn said - "What will you do of Maayaa. You are already Devarshi." "No, I wish to know." "Let us go on a walk." So both Krishn and Naarad set off on a walk. Walking they came in a desert. Naarad Jee complained - "Where have you brought me? It is a desert." Krishn said - "Naarad Jee, You wander in all Lok, this is only a desert, come." After a while Naarad Jee refused to move and they both sat down under a tree. Naarad Jee said - "You wanted to show me your Maayaa. Where is that? Krishn said - "OK, While I show opu my Maayaa, you bring me a glass of water, I am feeling very thirsty." Naarad Jee said - "So you want me to search for water in this desert? No problem, but I am not going to leave you." And Naarad Jee set off in search of water. Naarad Jee came to a w...

Chap 31: Concept of GOD - Story of a King and His Minister's Daughter

There lived a king who was very religious. He had a grown up son also who did not believe in God's existence. Even he did not all his workers to recite God's name. Once he put one of his workers in jail. The King did not like his son's behavior but he could not do anything. At last one day he freed that worker and sent her home with the assurance of her salary. He was very sad that why his son was atheist. Then he called his son and explained to him that it was not good to play with the sentiments of public. If he did not believe in God, it was all right, but he had no right to stop others to believe in God. But he did not listen to him. The King was old, he died after a while. Now the Prince was to be appointed the new King, so his Minister asked him to take oath, in the name of God, to work for his people. But as the name of God came i the oath, he refused to take oath because he did not believe in God. His plea was that he could not take oath in the name of God because h...

Chap 30: VIVEKA - Story of Jadabharata

If misunderstanding the Self to be the not-Self is bondage, the understanding of the Self, brought about by differentiating (viveka) the Self from the not-Self is the means to liberation. This episode deals with the thought process by which one can differentiate the Self from the not-Self. एक समय सिंध देश के राजा रहूगण तत्त्व ज्ञान प्राप्ति कि इच्छा से कपिल मुनि के आश्रम की ओर जा रहे थे।  रास्ते में पालकी उठाने वाला एक कहार भाग गया तो बाकी तीन कहार जडभरत को पकड़ लाए। उन्होंने पालकी उठाई। सम्पूर्ण भरतखण्ड के राजा जो स्वयं अनेकों बार पालकी में बैठे थे, आज पालकी उठा रहे हैं।  अपनी प्रारब्ध भुगतनी ही पड़ती है।  प्रभु के ध्यान में निमग्न भरत जी की अनोखी दशा है। वे कभी व्याकुल हो रोते हैं तो कभी मन ही मन भगवान के दर्शन कर हँसते हैं।  रास्ते में चींटी भी दिखती तो भरत जी कूद जाते जिससे बार-बार रहूगण का सिर पालकी से टकरा जाता। राजा ये सहन ना कर सके व क्रोध से जडभरत का अपमान करने लगे। बोले- “अरे सेवक, तू तो जीते जी ही मरा हुआ है, तुझे कुछ भाव ही नहीं है, ठीक से चल वरना मैं तुझे ...

Chap 29: Bondage - Story of Puranjan

Bondage is the identification of the Self with the not-Self. It is thus just only a misunderstanding of one’s true nature. Bondage is merely mental and not factual. Right thinking dispels bondage; wrong thinking only serves to strengthen it. This story comes in  Bhaagvat Puraan, 5/2  and Amritbindu Upanishad. Once a man came in an inn and asked for a place to stay. Bhagat Jee permitted him to stay there. he went to tie his camel, but unfortunately he forgot his rope with which he used to make his camel sit. He tried his best but he could not make him sit without the rope. He came to Bhagat Jee and told him the whole story. Bhagat Jee suggested him to play a drama just by hands movement if he could sit by it. The man went back, played the drama, and the camel sat and he tied him. The man got very happy to see this, now he did not need the rope to make him sit. The same thing happened in the morning too. He was asked to do the same and the camel got up. Thus everybody has some k...

Chap 28: Ananda-svarupa of Atman - Happy Man’s Shirt

  In this body, there are beautiful gardens and meadows; in this itself resides the Creator. In this body is a limitless stretch of calm seas; it this itself a star-lit sky with countless stars. In this body is the most precious paras jewel; in this itself the appraiser of jewels. Readers, welcome to the city of Uttam Pradesh, which is in the state of Uttarakhand. Where, upon waking, the citizen looks for mishaps in the newspapers to start his day with. Reads the same news over and over again. Looking for happiness in the newspapers. Murder, theft, deceit, sycophancy, he fills his head with news about these. Reads the daily horoscope section to find out whether or not the day will bring happiness. Where the industrious ones are busy in gossip, the rest in stories about the clash between mother-in-law and sister-in-law. There's a restless searching after happiness, O' a searching after happiness. That's why a person with a full head of black hair dyes it with other colors......