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Showing posts from April, 2020

Chapter 8: Artha - The life and times of Chanakya (Kautilya) the great

Artha means wealth or money. Chankya or Kautilya always said, "Money obtained through Dharma is Artha and money obtained through Adharma is Anartha" Story Of Chanakya's Life Chanakya is one of the biggest legacies of this great nation of ours. He is considered one of the greatest statesmen-philosophers-economists-royal advisors-teachers of all time...he was the royal advisor to Chandragupta Maurya, and is credited with helping the young prince grow into a powerful emperor... Friend, Philosopher, Guide Chanakya initially taught Artha Shastra or economics at the famed Takshashila University. However, he soon assumed the role of royal advisor to a young Magadha prince, grooming him with political strategy skills so as to become fit to rule the huge Mauryan empire, spread over most of the Indian subcontinent. The Mighty Mauryan Empire The Mauryan Empire spread from the north-western part of the Indian sub-continent to the far-eastern and southe...

Chapter 7: Dharma -- Raja Harsihchandra

Dharma is an important aspect of ones life. According to Krishna, that makes you free or liberated is Dharma. Liberation is of the mind. Find out what is bonding you, what you are feared of, what makes you angry, what makes you jealous, what makes you miserable, what makes you happy. Find the reasons for it and act to be free of it. The path of Liberation is Dharma.  Lets  learn Dharma from Raja Harishchandra. प्रतापी राजा भारत की भूमि पर अनेक प्रतापी-महाप्रतापी राजाओं ने जन्म लिया है, जिन्होंने अपने विशिष्ट गुणों के चलते अपना नाम इतिहास के पन्नों में सुनहरे अक्षरों से दर्ज करवाया। इनमें से बहुत से ऐसे भी हैं जिनका हमारे पौराणिक इतिहास से बेहद गहरा नाता है। इन्हीं प्रतापी राजाओं में से एक हैं सूर्यवंशी सत्यव्रत के पुत्र राजा हरिश्चंद्र, जिन्हें उनकी सत्यनिष्ठा के लिए आज भी जाना जाता है। सत्यवादी हरिश्चंद्र राजा हरिश्चंद्र हर हालत में केवल सच का ही साथ देते थे। अपनी इस निष्ठा की वजह से कई बार उन्हें बड़ी-बड़ी परेशानियों का भी सामना करना पड़ा लेकिन फिर भी उन्होंने...

Chapter 6: Upaveda -- Kacha and Devyani a forgotten love story

Upaveda means applied knowledge and are traditional literatures which contain the subjects of certain technical works. They are as follows: Āyurveda: Deals in Medicine and associated with the Rigveda Dhanurveda: Deals in Archery and associated with the Yajurveda Gāndharvaveda: Deals with Music and Dance and associated with the Samaveda Shastrashastra: Deals with military technology and associated with the Atharvaveda Let us read a story from Upaveda. Who was Kacha? He was probably the first spy in the history of world. He was extremely charming. He was from heaven . He was the son of sage Brahaspati-the sage of demigods or devas or suras from heaven. His name was Kacha. The story of Kacha comes in the Indian epic Mahabharata. His arrival The story starts with the deva and asura war. The sage or teacher of asuras-sage Shukracharya did penance and was granted a boon by lord Shiva. He was granted mrit sanjivani vidya by lord shiva. With the help of mrit sanji...

Chapter 5 : Vedanga Bhaskaracharya and his Leelavati

Among the ancient Indian mathematician/astronomers, probably the greatest were Aryabhata (5 th  Century CE), Varahamihira (505 – 587 CE), Brahmagupta (598 – 670 CE), Mahaviracharya (c 800 – 870 CE) and Bhaskaracharya, also known as Bhaskara II (1114 – 1185 CE). There were, of course, several other outstanding mathematicians such as Aryabhata II, Bhaskara I, Sridharacharya, Prithudakswami who flourished during this period. This year marks the 900 th  birth anniversary of Bhaskaracharya. The special event will be commemorated with several academic conferences across India. It is therefore a fitting time to reflect upon the life and remarkable achievements of this great Indian. We know that Bhaskara was born in 1114 A D, because he says so himself in ‘Goladhyaya’ which is a part of his work  Siddhanta Shiromani : “I was born in 1036 of the Shaka era. I wrote the  Siddhanta Shiromani  when I was thirty-six years old”. Since the Shaka era is bel...

Chapter 4: Dara Shukoh, the forgotten Prince of Islam

Dara Shukoh was born on 20 March 1615 in a suburb of Sagartal lake near Ajmer. It is said that his father, Prince Khurram (later Emperor Shah Jahan), frequented the tomb of Shaikh Muin-ud­din Chishti and prayed for birth of a son as his previous children from his wife Mumtaz Mahal, had been daughters. By the blessings of the saint, his prayers were answered (Painting No. l); the child when grew up had unmistakable influence of the teachings of the Sufi saint. Dara grew into an extraordinary personality, in a way unique among all the Mughal Princes since the foundation of the Mughal empire in 1526. Under the guidance of his teacher Mulla Abdul Latif, he developed scholarly habits and his teacher's Sufistic leanings led him from an early age to study the well-known works on Islamic mysticism and classical Persian literature. When he grew up, he came in contact with many Muslim and Hindu mystics, which played an important role in shaping his mind and outlook. In course of time, h...

Chapter 3: Ashtavakra

Purpose of Knowledge   Knowledge is power. Hence knowledge is meant for the benefit of the totality. If knowledge becomes a means to fatten one’s ego, and if knowledge is used as a sword of destruction, the very purpose of knowledge is lost. Beware for such wrongly wielded knowledge that destroys the very wielder. हिंदी में पढ़ें :  शास्त्र को शस्त्र अथवा हथियार ना बनाओ - अष्टावक्र The purpose of knowledge is presented through the story of young Ashtavakra, and Bandi - the scholar in King Janaka's court. On repeated asking, when Ashtavakra hears from his mother Sujata that his father - Rishi Kaahod was once defeated by Bandi in Janaka's court, and had to give up his life to fulfil the condition laid down by Bandi, Ashtavakra resolves to educate Bandi and other scholars in Janaka's court on the purpose of knowledge.   When Bandi is defeated and when he rises to end his life, Ashtavakra forgives him, and declares that the scriptures are not weapons to establish one's ...

Chapter 1 : Krishna and Arjuna

Arjuna is confused and perplexed by the situation of scorching his own family members, teachers and friends in a battle field. He was in grief and impotent enough to fight. Seeing his condition, Krishna reveals him the truth of life. To represent Krishna's words in a cameo is anoia, but a small attempt has been made. Kr ishna says, a) There is no one killing, and there is no one killed. b) What you think as your body or your mind is not you. It is just a collection of five elements from nature like earth, fire, water, earth and space. c) You are misidentifying this body/mind as you. This mis-identification is the root cause of all sufferings, pain, grief, anger, aversion etc; because unless "I" the body/mind exists "You" will also exists and hence "I" & "You" will always cause duality and when there is duality there is conflict. d) To overcome this conflict, Krishna gave the teaching of Dharma(Rules)       1) Don...

Upanishad Ganga : Introduction

Modern Physics helps us to observe any physical event. But it fails to talk about the observer "I". Ancient Indian Scriptures like Upanishads talks about the observer "I". Now the question arises what is the need of knowing the observer "I" . The answer to this question is to make a complete observation. Unless you don't know what you are observing and who is observing, that observation is incomplete. As J.Krishnamurti said observation happens when you know "Observer is the Observed". Upanishad Ganga is a series of stories which attempts to investigate the observer "I".

Chapter 2 : Ratnakar to Valmiki

एक बार रत्नाकर नाम का एक डाकू हुआ करता था। रत्नाकर अपने साथियों के साथ बीहड़ जंगल में रहता था और वहां से गुजरने वाला यात्रियों को लूट लिया करता था। दूर दूर के इलाकों में रत्नाकर के नाम का खौफ था। एक बार की बात है, दिन छिप चुका था और थोड़ा अँधेरा हो रहा था, उस समय नारद मुनि उस जंगल में विचरण कर रहे थे कि तभी डाकू रत्नाकर ने अपने साथियों के साथ नारद जी को घेर लिया। नारद मुनि अपने आप में मग्न थे उनके मन में किसी प्रकार का कोई डर नहीं था। रत्नाकर ने नारद जी से पूछा – सुनो ब्राह्मण, मैं रत्नाकर डाकू हूँ। क्या तुमको मुझसे भय नहीं लग रहा ? नारद मुनि ने कहा – रत्नाकर मुझे किसी भी बात का भय नहीं है। मैं ना तो किसी असफलता से डरता हूँ और नाही मुझे अपने प्राणों का भय है, ना कल का और ना कलंक का…..लेकिन शायद तुम डरे हुए हो…. रत्नाकर ने गुस्से में कहा – मैं डरा हुआ नहीं हूँ, मुझे भला किसका डर है ? नारद मुनि – अगर डरे नहीं हो तो इन जंगलों में छिप कर क्यों बैठे हो ? शायद तुम राजा से डरते हो या फिर प्रजा से रत्नाकर – नहीं मैं किसी से भी नहीं डरता नारद मुनि ने मुस्कुरा के कहा – तुम पाप करते हो...

Pursuit of Happiness

आज इंसान पूरे दुनियाँ में सुःख की खोज कर रहा हैं | हर किसी का तरीका अलग अलग हो सकता हैं लेकिन आख़िर कार खोज उसकी सुःख कि ही हैं | इस खोज को बढ़े ध्यान से देखें तो दिखेगा की इंसान सूख की ख़ोज इसलिए कर रहा हैं क्यों की वो बड़ा दुःखी हैं और उसमें यह हिम्मत नहीं हैं की वो इसको किसीको कह सके | तो वो अलग अलग तरीकों से फ़िर सुःख की खोज करता हैं | कोई पैसों में , कोई दोस्तों में , कोई बड़े  घरों में , कोई फिल्मों में ,कोई खाने में ,कोई सोने में,कोई खेल में ,कोई नाच गानों में , कोई शराब पिके के  अपना सुःख खोजतें  हैं | इसको देखें तो हम पाएंगे की हम सुःख नहीं खोज रहे लेकिन हम अपने आपको बेहोश कर रहे हैं | हमें सुःख नहीं बेहोशी चाहिए | क्यों की हम बेहोश हैं हम यह नहीं देख रहे जो हमें सुख दे रहा हैं उससे  हमें उसकी आदत  भी हो रही हैं और यही आदत कल हमें दुःख देगी |  तो अब करें तो क्या करे | करना कुछ नहीं हैं बस हमें देखना हैं की हमें दुःख दे कौन रहा हैं | जीवन मैं ऐसा कोनसा कारण हैं याह बंधन हैं जो मुझे दुःख दे रहा उसे खोजें और उससे मुक्त हो जाओ | यही सही तरीका हैं | इसस...