Life do not move in a straight line but takes many turn , twists , ups and down. What is visible through physical eyes, more is hidden behind the physical eyes. Love expressed does not mean love is expressed from the other side also. I was reading the life story of great king Bharathari and Vikramaditya ruler Ujjain in North India. How life gives shock after shock and pleasure after pleasure. Nothing is permanent in this world. Every moment is changing and changing is the beauty and freshness of beautiful life on earth. King Bharthahari commonly known Raja Bhirit-Hari before renouncing the worldly life and taking refuge in the lotus feet of Great Spiritual Master Guru Gorakhnath. There are many folk stories of King Bharhari in north India. King Bharthari was greatly in love with his third wife Pingla. She was young and beautiful so King was mesmerized in her beauty. Bharthari was the eldest son of King Gandhava sena , who received this kingdom from the Celestial God Indra. There lived one Brahmin who Meditated years and got Immortal fruit from Celestial tree Kalpavriksha.
Brahmin gave this fruit to King Bharthari so that King could rule years and stay young, beautiful and Immortal. But King was in grip of Third queens beauty, the beautiful Pingla and handed over this Immortal fruit to Pingla. But Pingla was in love of Police chief of the state Mahipaala and passed this fruit to her love Mahipaala. Mahipaala was in love of Lakha one of the maids of Honour. So he passed this Immortal fruit to his beloved , Lakha. But Lakha was in love with King Bharthari so she passed this Immortal fruit to her beloved King Bharthari. Divine fruit has taken complete circle and eventually came back to the King Bharthari. Having taken complete circle the fruit revealed the downsides of infidelity to the King. Finally King ate the Immortal fruit and abdicated the Throne to his younger brother Vikramaditya and became a Religious Mendicant. King Bharthari is the hero of many folk stories in North India and West Bengal etc. . Betal Pachisi-twenty five stories of Vikram and the Vampire are famous. How life takes twist and turn nobody knows. Once a King and lover of beauty next time a saint. Life is full of surprises.
हे राम ! ना तुम बचें , ना सीता बची , ना लक्ष्मण , और ना हनुमान , ना लंका बची ना लंकेश , बस तेरे नाम पे आज सिर्फ़ दिवाली बची | हे राम ! ना प्रेम बचा , ना बचें झूठन बेर , ना अनुराग बचा , ना बचा वैराग , ना कोई त्याग , ना कोई साधना , ना कोई हठ , ना कोई पीड़ा , बस तेरे नाम पे आज सिर्फ़ दिवाली बची | हे राम ! ना धर्म बचा , ना कोई वेद , ना कोई भक्ति , ना कोई मुक्ति , ना साधू , ना संत , ना ज्ञानी , ना ज्ञान , बस तेरे नाम पे आज सिर्फ़ दिवाली बची | हे राम ! ना शान्ति , ना आंनद , ना धैर्य बचा और ना कोई तपस्या , हे राम ! अब तेरे नाम पे कोई कर्म भी नहीं बचा , ना सत्य बचा और ना ही कोई खोज , बस तेरे नाम पे आज सिर्फ़ दिवाली बची | जब कुछ नहीं बचा , हे राम ! अब तेरे नाम की यह दिवाली भी ना बचें ||
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